Pilobolus Supports Inclusivity

Pilobolus Teaching Artists Derion Loman and Krystal Butler recently provided instruction to dancers at Chance 2 Dance, an inclusive dance organization centering arts opportunities and access for disabled children, youth, and adults in Maitland, Florida. Dancers showed off their moves in a dazzling group performance on February 9, 2024.

The inclusive dance event, hosted by Chance 2 Dance, brought together a diverse group of individuals, highlighting the power of dance to transcend ability and create a space for self-expression and connection.

A group of Chance 2 Dance dancers wear red shirts on stage and lift their arms above their heads.

Photo by Nicole Warren

Loman and Butler worked closely with the dancers, fostering an environment that celebrated individuality and showcased the beauty of movement in all its forms. The group performance not only showcased the participants’ dedication and hard work but also underscored the importance of inclusive arts programs in fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

A group of Chance 2 Dance students wearing red t-shirts post on stage during their Feb 9 performance.

Photo by Nicole Warren

As the dance community continues to explore avenues for inclusivity and diversity, collaborations like these serve as shining examples of the transformative power of the arts. Through the lens of dance, individuals of all abilities can find common ground, breaking barriers and creating a platform for shared experiences.

A group of Chance 2 Dance students pose with Pilobolus teaching artists Krystal Butler and Derion Loman. Eight people are standing and three are sitting on the ground in front of them posing with arms up and legs outstretched.

Photo by Nicole Warren

We extend our gratitude to Pilobolus, Chance 2 Dance, and all those involved for making this inspiring event possible!

Thanks to Chance 2 Dance Executive Director Nicole Warren for capturing the memorable moments!